Program Overview

This course is designed to prepare technically competent individuals to sharpen up their communication skills through written documents, whose importance to enhancing its individual competence is through preparation and analysis of common technical writing genres, such as emails, letters, resumes, memos, reports, technical descriptions, technical proposals and manuals. In addition, participants will also be challenged to creatively enhance its written skills to effectively communicate to its intended audience in terms of organization, visual design, style and the production of such documents.


2 - Day Program

Learning Objectives

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the logic and reason why is there a need to effectively communicate in various platforms
  • guide the writer in the course of developing written materials with fundamental ideas and concepts of technical writing
  • have an organization on the thought process of creatively developing documents while effectively communicating across interested individuals or groups

Training Course Outline


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