SAS introduces new delivery model
Recent events have effectively grounded most enterprises and companies, with a considerable number of the workforce in Work-From-Home arrangements, with efficiency and utilization not at ideal levels. This is not just a scenario that plays out in our local market, but globally, as virtually every country in the world deals with the threat of the COVID-19 virus.
Even during this challenging time, SAS Management, Inc. remains committed to bringing value to your organization. Just because the business world has ground to a halt doesn’t mean learning has to as well. Technology has made significant progress in connecting people in ways previously thought impractical, or altogether impossible, and as one of the most resilient and innovative consultancy and training organizations in the region, SAS Management, Inc. has harnessed these new possibilities and embraced them, as we introduce the Virtual Classroom Sessions (VCS) initiative.
The execution of our VCS design is the first of a series of strategic objectives aimed at the continuation of learning opportunities for our clients. Through the evolution of technology, SAS Management has tapped into a new delivery model to enable us to continue creating value for our customers. Our service delivery team has started providing free training courses online through our VCS to provide some of our most valued customers with new online learning opportunities. You can learn more about this initiative by visiting either our website or social media platforms.
SAS Management, Inc. looks forward to reemerging from the current state of the market stronger, better, and more committed to creating value for your organization.
Pandemics have never kept people from learning. In fact, a case could be made that advancements in knowledge happen most frequently during crisis situations.